Saturday, March 13, 2010

Something Tiny...

I have just ventured to the presently wet and cold land of San Francisco. I visited the Legion of Honor this afternoon, and the De Young museum this evening along with Mama-san and my ceramics class. I hope to have some pictures up soonish, but I'm knackered at the moment - so much so that I did not stick around to see You Say Party! We Say Die! It is a loss I will have to bear XP

Anyway, I stumbled upon a little book full of pictures of little people. It is by an artist named Slinkachu (a bazaar Pokemon perhaps?). Slinkachu sets up fantastical little scenes composed of tiny people in large cities. They are small and unnoticable to the unwary passer by making them all the more compelling. My particular favorites are the one with the Cheetos, the one with the bee, and the snails. Enjoy :D

Special Bonus Observations!
-Parking at the Legion of Honor sucks, apparently always.
-Parking at the De Young is pretty nice, you can pay for the garage, but there's lots of free street parking if you're okay with walking a little.

-Food at the Legion of Honor is pretty good. Mama-san and I split a large fancy sandwich and had tea for about $10 apiece (I think less actually).
-Food at the De Young is delicious, but in small portions (just like Arnold Rimmer???). I ordered the ravioli for dinner, and I got three, on a lovely bed of chard. I ate a lot of French fries to make up the rest of the meal...

-If they can charge money for it, they will.
-However, the student rate of $6 for both museums is quite good.

-Legion of Honor actually has some very nice stuff. There's a room of fancy porcelain dishes and tea sets (many with bugs on them). A hall with various Greek, Minoan, and Egyptian pottery, and many nice paintings and sculpture. We checked out their impressionist wing which was interesting (though lacking the Goya they mention on their map D: ) and swung through the Rodin sculpture areas among others. I was disappointed that their Cartier exhibition cost so much. I opted to save my money this time XP
-De Young has quite a bit more stuff than the Legion, but I generally felt like there was less stuff of interest to me (of course, since their map was so crappy, maybe I just didn't see it?). They do have a very nice Amish Quilt exhibition up (for free!). I want to make a quilt now :3 They have some excellent ceramics of the more modern variety as well as some lovely Native American pots (some of which depicted bugs). They also have a large ethnic selection of art (that's specific isn't it?) as well as a 9th floor lookout, and live music on Friday nights. After a full day of museum hopping and a minuscule dinner, I found it rather loud, but still enjoyable. Finally, I didn't see the King Tut exhibit because it was beyond my budget. I do plan to see the Impressionist exhibit in June.

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